What is Render Blocking Resources (RBR)?
How to remove Render Blocking Ressources in WordPress?
- Find the resources that block rendering
- Clear locked resources Do not render it manually or using a plugin.
- Run a Site Scan Again
- Check for errors on your website
What is Render Blocking Resources (RBR)?
Render blocking resources, which are usually CSS or JavaScript code, prevents a website from loading quickly.
It takes a long time for these resources to load. It may take a long time for the browser to render, but it is not necessary for an immediate user experience.
The browser can delay rendering until it is needed. Do not misunderstand: JavaScript and CSS are important.
JavaScript is essential for adding dynamic, interactive and attractive elements to your website. If they are executed at the wrong moment, CSS and JavaScript may negatively impact your website.
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How to remove Render Blocking Ressources in WordPress?
- Find the resources that block rendering
You must locate the resource processing lock before making any changes. You can use an online tool like Google PageSpeed insights Tool to test your site’s speed. Copy your website URL and click on Analyze
Google will give your website a speed score ranging from 0 to 100.
You’ll want to score at least 80 points higher than the average.
Scroll down to the Opportunities section, and then click on the “Remove render-blocking Resources” accordion.
This will show you a list of files that are slowing down the loading of the first page. These files can affect the entire content that is displayed in the browser when the page loads for the very first time. This content is also called “top half” of the page.
You should pay attention to files with.css or.js extension.
- Do not render it manually or using a plugin.
You can fix the problem in WordPress either manually or by using a plugin. The complement solution is the first.
WordPress plugins are available to reduce the impact of rendering-blocking resource on WordPress sites. Autoptimize, and W3 Total cache are two of the most popular solutions.
Autoptimize, a free plugin, modifies your website’s files to make it faster. The automatic optimization process involves adding files, minimising code (which is reducing the size of a file by removing unnecessary or redundant characters), and delaying resources that are blocking rendering.
You should be cautious with this plugin, or any plugin similar, since you will be modifying the backend of your website. Automatic optimization can be used to remove resources that are blocking processing.
Install and activate Autoptimize.
In your WordPress dashboard, select Settings> Auto Optimize.
Check the box next to Optimize JavaScript Code under JavaScript Options.
If you check the box next L ‘Is JS file aggregation. If checked, uncheck it.
Check the box beside Optimize CSS code under CSS Options?
Add CSS files is checked, uncheck it. If checked, uncheck it.
Click Save Variations and clear Cache at the bottom of the page.
PageSpeed Insights can help you analyze your website and find improvements.
If PageSpeed Insights reports that JavaScript blocks rendering, return to Settings>Auto Optimize and select the checkboxes next to JS Files Added? Click Save Changes and Clear Cache, and then rerun scan.
- Run a Site Scan Again
Do a final assessment of your website using PageSpeed Insights to see how your changes have affected your score.
If there is no improvement, don’t be alarmed. You may have to look deeper to determine the cause of hand piercing. - Check for errors on your website
Check your website’s pages in addition to re-crawling to ensure it is functioning. Does the page load properly? Does the page load correctly? Undo any changes you made to fix problems if something breaks or does not load correctly.
You have tried to speed up the pages of your website without success.
Load time is one of many factors that affect your users’ experience with your website. When you make major changes to the content or appearance of your WordPress website, it’s important to consider their impact on performance.
You need to optimize your website’s speed by removing other components that are known to slow it down.
Incorporate periodic speed tests in your site maintenance program. Anticipating any potential issues will be crucial to your success.